2610 Pioneer Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
(307) 634 - 3052
[email protected]


Pledges and Donations - Click Here.

Sisterhood Challah Sale - Click Here.

Photos Courtesy of Louis Davidson, Synagogues360.org

Shabbat Services

Please join us for Shabbat services every Friday evening at 7 PM.  Shabbat Services are also held on select Saturdays at 10 AM.  Friday night and scheduled Saturday morning services are announced on our website, Facebook page, and our weekly newsletter. Our services are in person and online through Zoom.  At the conclusion of services, enjoy our Oneg Shabbat.

Shabbat Services are led by Rabbi Moshe Halfon and lay leaders.

Coming Up

Tuesday, February 11 – Introduction to Judaism class, “Deeper Judaism” will meet in person on Wednesday, February 12 in order to participate in the Tu Bishevat Seder.


Wednesday, February 12 – 7 to 8:30 PM – Tu Bishevat Seder at Mt. Sinai. Also on Zoom.  The Zoom call begins at 6:30 PM. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83119509528 Meeting ID: 831 1950 9528

Please see the flyer on this page.


Thursday, February 13 – 12 noon to 1 PM – Torah Thursday. Led by Rabbi Halfon.


Thursday, February 13 – 6:30 PM – Shalom Dinner at Durbar Nepalese and Indian Bistro in the Cheyenne Plaza off of East Lincolnway.


Friday, February 14 – 7 PM – Erev Shabbat service in person and via Zoom, led by Rabbi Halfon.  We’ll open the Zoom meeting at 6:30 so people can chat. Services begin at 7:00. Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84687533228. Meeting ID: 846 8753 3228


Monday, February 17 – 5:30 PM – Bibles and Beer in person at Uncle Charlie’s and via Zoom. Jason Bloomberg is the moderator.  Please email [email protected] if you want to be added to the list of those sent the Zoom link each week.


Tuesday, February 18 – 7 to 8:30 PM – Introduction to Judaism class, “Deeper Judaism” on Zoom.  Class begins at 7.  Zoom call starts at 6:30 PM.  Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83666626920.  Meeting ID: 836 6662 6920


Wednesday, February 19 – 6:30 PM – Board Meeting via Zoom.


Thursday, February 20 – 12 noon to 1 PM – Torah Thursday. Led by Rabbi Halfon.


Friday, February 21 – 7 PM – Erev Shabbat service in person and via Zoom.  This will be a special Women’s Shabbat Service.  We’ll open the Zoom meeting at 6:30 so people can chat. Services begin at 7:00. Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84687533228. Meeting ID: 846 8753 3228


Sunday, February 23 – 3 to 4:30 PM – Israeli dancing resumes!


Monday, February 24 – 5:30 PM – Bibles and Beer in person at Uncle Charlie’s and via Zoom. Jason Bloomberg is the moderator.  Please email [email protected] if you want to be added to the list of those sent the Zoom link each week.




The next statewide Hadassah Book Group is set for Sunday, March 16 at 4 PM at Wendy Berelson’s house in Laramie.  We have picked Alice Hoffman’s new novel When We Flew Away.  From Amazon: “Bestselling author Alice Hoffman delivers a stunning novel about one of contemporary history’s most acclaimed figures, exploring the little-known details of Anne Frank’s life before she went into hiding.”

Once a week we send out a newsletter that includes events coming up, news about the synagogue, and more. Sign up and keep in touch!
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Weekly Message from the Board President


The Challah’s are ready!  You can pick them up at the Synagogue on Tuesday or Thursday between 9 AM and 3 PM.  Volunteers will be out delivering Challahs between 3 and 4, or 6 and 7 on those days.  If you would like your Challah delivered instead of picking it up, please contact the Synagogue office.

We have three types of Challah available – a Valentine’s Day heartshaped challah with braided chocolate and strawberry for $9, a one pound loaf of challah for $7, and a half pound challah for $5.  The order form is on our website here – www.mtsinaicheyenne.org/challah.

Starting Wednesday, we’ll be adding new flavors – there will be a new Cabbage Roll Challah and a Vegan one.  The Valentine’s Day chocolate and strawberry challah will no longer be available, so if you want one in that flavor, get your orders in now.

Our thanks to Amberdawn Renda, Rick Padilla, and our volunteers for their help with this fundraiser.  The money goes to Sisterhood, which uses it for a lot of the food related events we have at the Synagogue year-round.  So it’s a win- win.  You get fresh and tasty Challah, and we all get the benefit of Sisterhood’s food and activities.

When the new flavors start on Wednesday, we’ll also be adding a delivery fee of $4.  And you can always pick them up at the Synagogue without paying a delivery fee.

Again, the order form is at www.mtsinaicheyenne.org/challah.

Donations are coming in, but of course we always need more.  We are trying to raise $12,000 for our security fund to help pay for police officers providing security at our services and events.  And we are also trying to raise $12,000 to pay for repairs and maintenance of the building.  So it’s a total of $24,000.

We should also mention that Jason and Phyllis Bloomberg offered to match up to $500 every month for donations to the two funds.  Please use our website or contact the Synagogue office to make a donation.  Security and keeping the building in good shape are both pretty important.

A group of Synagogues in northern Colorado are talking about working together, and they’ve made a point of including Mt. Sinai in their discussions.  We’ve had a couple of Zoom meetings so far.  An article was written about the effort and published in Jewish Colorado.  You can see it here:  https://www.jewishcolorado.org/pin-grant-opens-door-to-new-connections-in-northern-colorado/?utm_source=jc-monthly-news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter-2025-02-01&utm_content=card-headline-have-you-heard-of-the-northern-front-range-jewish-alliance-thanks-to-a-jco-pin-grant-residents-of-northern-colorado-are-making-new-connections.

The Mt. Sinai Library is holding a book giveaway.  These are books that either are not related to Judaism or are duplicates of books we already have in the library. They are on a table in the library.  There are no fixed prices for the books.  Please leave a donation for whatever you think is appropriate.  Please contact the Synagogue office if you’d like to see the books.

The Tu’Bshvat Seder is this Wednesday, starting at 7 PM at the Synagogue.  Rabbi Halfon will be leading the service.  The food will be olives, almonds, raisins or grapes, and cous-cous or barley and wheat products.  If you can’t make it in person, you can watch it on Zoom, starting at 7 PM.

Here’s the Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 831 1950 9528.

Our Shalom Dinner is the next night, on Thursday, starting at 6:30.  We’ll be meeting at Durbar’s Nepalese and Indian Bistro.  Yes, you can get food from Nepal in Cheyenne.  The restaurant is in the Cheyenne Plaza off of East Lincolnway.  Join us!

And add this to your calendar… our next Women’s Shabbat Service is February 21st.  The women in our community will be leading the service.  If you would like to help by reading a prayer or singing, please contact the Synagogue office. The Women’s Shabbat services are always done well and are very popular (and yes, of course men attend…).

Here’s our Yiddish Phrase of the Week:

Az an oreman est a hun, iz oder er krank oder di hun.
When a poor man eats chicken, either he or the chicken is sick.


Dave Lerner
Mt. Sinai Board of Directors


Donations to Israel

If you would like to send money to Israel, here are some options:


From Hadassah:  If you would like to donate to Hadassah during Israel’s time of great need the link is below. Hadassah Medical Organization acted swiftly after the assault by Hamas and is treating many of the injured as well as deploying emergency measures to protect and heal the people of Israel.  https://hadassah.gospringboard.com/secure/israelatwar?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Crisis+Email+Gaza+Attack+100823&utm_id=101878&sfmc_id=60158851
From Rabbi Halfon: I urge you support the Sheba Medical Center’s on the ground in Israel, by donating HERE.https://give.afsmc.org/give/525518/#!/donation/checkout

From Temple Emanuel: JEWISHcolorado donors have stepped forward to offer a dollar-for-dollar match up to $200,000 for donations to the Israel Emergency Fund. All emergency dollars will go to support efforts on the ground in Israel, aiding victims of terror, addressing trauma issues, and assisting with emergency medical and infrastructure needs. The match was launched by Barry and Gay Curtiss-Lusher from a shelter in a Tel Aviv Hotel and JEWISHcolorado Board Chair Ben Lusher and his wife Nicole.


February Birthdays

3             Courtney Schlisserman

12          Susan Mervis

13           Samuel Moldo

15           Sherri Means

               Steve Weinstein

14           Rayette Reece

19          Jonathan Savelle

23           Liam Linn

23           Dovi Mendelsohn

27          Judy Brown

29           Ian Fromme

29           Emily Price


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